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My Olympiad experience and impressions-Alasgarli Aytaj
I have been participating in English Language Olympiad for two years. The main goal in this Olympiad is the selection of talented students. I can also say that my participation in this knowledge competition helped me to be aware of my knowledge of English. On November 10, 2018 the University hold an English Language Olympiad devoted to Flag Day and Constitution Day. In addition to the English language students, the students of non-professional groups also participated in the competition. The tasks were concentrated in 5 sections and the answers would be evaluated at 50 points. It was said that the results would be announced on Monday (the day after). I was excited because I should have justified the result which I showed a year ago. And I had to win again. Finally, the results were announced the day after. I regained the joy of winning. I must say that the person who plays the main role in this Olympiad is the teacher of the Foreign Languages Department, Aynour Rzayevah who possesses all positive qualities and who stands at the peak of her teaching career, has caused sunrise in my university life. I will forever be grateful to her and everything that she taught me. Thank you for being so good at what you do. Olympiads gives a chance to students to sharpen their skills. The advantage of participating in any type of competition is it teaches you how to lose and win. It takes a ton of effort to become a winner, but it’s totally worth it.
On December 26, 2018 a psychological seminar was organized for students by Student Scientific Society in English Language Center. Trainer psychologist-teacher Shahin Mehraliyev gave detailed information on the theme "The ways of avoiding pre-exam stress and excitement ". In the seminar, not only the first-year students but also upper course students participated actively and finally they referred their questions to the psychologist. To attract students' attention, a teacher has conducted several psychological activities. The most memorable methods were self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques through classical music. Taking into consideration the participant's interest , it was decided to establish an association of Psychologists within Student Scientific Society. At the end of the seminar psychologist Shahin Mehraliyev promised to conduct such seminars ragularly to organize successful activities of students.
26.12.2018 -ci il tarixində İngilis dili Mərkəzində Tələbə Elmi Cəmiyyətinin təşkilatçılığı ilə Humanitar fakültəsinin tələbələri üçün psixoloji seminar keçirilmişdir. Təlimçi psixoloq-müəllim Şahin Mehrəliyev "İmtahan öncəsi stress və həyəcandan qurtulmağın yolları" mövzusunda ətraflı məlumat vermişdir. Əsasən birinci kurs tələbələrinin iştirak etdiyi seminarda yuxarı kursdan olan tələbələr də fəal iştirak etmişlər və sonda psixoloqa öz maraqlı suallarını ünvanlamışlar. Tələbələrin marağını cəlb etmək üçün müəllim bir neçə psixoloji fəaliyyət növü keçirmişdir. Onlardan ən yaddaqalanları özünətəlqin və klassik musiqi vasitəsilə rahatlama üsulları olmuşdur. İştirakçıların hədsiz marağını nəzərə alaraq seminarın sonunda Tələbə Elmi Cəmiyyətinin nəzdində daha bir dərnək-Psixoloqlar dərnəyi yaradılması qərara alınmışdır. Psixoloq Şahin Mehrəliyev tələbələrin uğurlu fəaliyyətini təşkil etmək məqsədilə bu kimi seminarları mütəmadi olaraq keçirəcəyinə söz vermişdir. Seminarın gedişində tələbələrdən başqa Humanitar fənlər kafedrasının əməkdaşları da fəal iştirak etmişdirlər. (şəkillər)
On 16th November 2018, at 11:50 a.m there was held a scientific seminar on the theme “Semantic Peculiarities of Polysemantic Words in English” by Senior Teacher of the Foreign Languages Department, Rafail Heydarov. The teachers of the department took part in the seminar and the seminar was very successful. As the theme interested all the teachers, all of them took an active part in the seminar. Mr. Rafail Heydarov gave important, clear and useful information and examples about the theme. The teachers asked many useful questions and got satisfactory answers. At the end of the seminar some teachers expressed their impressions and opinions about the seminar and a photo was taken. (şəkillər)
Today, the 2nd English Language Olympiad has been organized on the occasion of Flag Day, organized by English Language Center (ELC) of Lankaran State University. In addition to the English-language students, non-professional groups have also been actively involved. Taking into account the interest of students in such scientific events, such events will be held in the future. The results were examined by teachers of the Foreign Languages Department will be announced on Monday . The winners who will take the first, second and third places will be awarded diplomas and gifts. (şəkillər)
We invite you to take part in the traditional English Language Olympiad on November 10, 2018 at 10 a.m. organized by English Language Center of Lankaran State University devoted to Flag Day and Constitution Day. The students who are interested in can apply to .
26 oktyabr 2018-ci ildə Xarici dillər kafedrasının ingilis dili müəllimi Rzayeva Aynur Mirəli qızı Lənkəran Dövlət Universitetinin İngilis dili mərkəzində "Tezis, məruzə, məqalə və magistr dissertasiyasının tərtib olunma xüsusiyyətləri"mövzusunda təlim keçmişdir. Təlim bakalavr və magistr tələbələri üçün nəzərdə tutulmuşdur. Mövzu aktual və əhəmiyyətli olduğundan interaktiv üsulda, müzakirələr əsasında davam etdirilmişdir. Təlim prosesində kafedra müəllimlərindən də iştirak etmişlər. Gələcək həftələrdə müxtəlif müəllimlər tərəfindən bu kimi təlimlərin keçirilməsi planlaşdırılır.
On October 26, 2018, Rzayeva Aynur Mirali, an English teacher of the Foreign Languages Department, trained in the English Language Center of Lankaran State University on "Designing Features of Thesis, Report, Article and Master's Dissertation." The training was designed for undergraduate and graduate students. The topic was relevant and substantial, and it was continued on an interactive discussions. In the training process, teachers from the department also participated. In the coming weeks various trainings are planned by various teachers.
26.10.2018 tarixində saat 14:05 də İngilis dili müəllimi Aynur Mirəli qızı Rzayeva tərəfindən "Tezis, məruzə,məqalə və magistr dissertasiyasının tərtib olunma xüsusiyyətləri" mövzusunda İngilis dili Mərkəzində seminar keçiriləcəkdir. Seminarda bakalavr və magistrların iştirakı arzu olunandır. İştirak etmək istəyənlər unvanina (Ad,soyad,qrup yazmaqla) yazılı və ya Xarici dillər kafedrasına müraciət edə bilərlər.
LSU Expands its Educational Relationships The educational relationships between Lankaran State University (LSU) and Azerbaijan University of Tourism and Management are expanding. On May 19, 2018 , Acting Rector of Lankaran State University Prof. Natig Ibrahimov received a group of employees of this educational institution, headed by the head of the Chair of Languages of the Azerbaijan University of Tourism and Management Kamala Kerimova. After the meeting, a joint scientific seminar on "The ways of development and improvement of the Russian oral speech in the group of Azerbaijani students " has begun. Certificates and souvenirs were presented to the seminar participants by the LSU administration. At the same time, Aynur Rzayeva, a teacher at the Foreign Languages Department of the LSU, presented her work to her guests.
On 26 of April, ELC held an event about the greatest English playwriter William Shakespeare. The death date of William Shakespeare was marked by teachers of English and students. Firts, ceremony began with the documentary film about Shakespeare's life and creativity. Then it continued with the quiz game due to documentary film.Teacher of English Aynour Rzayeva awarded the winner. Then head teacher Asuda Abdullayeva read her poem what was written to Hamlet's monologue. Everybody expressed his/ her attitude to the celebration of Shakespeare Day. At the end of the event Kamran Kazimov, Head of the Foreign Language Department commented on poem. In the end, memory photos were taken. (şəkillər)
ELC volunteers prepared great debate club on 16/03/2018 . English Language Teaching groups discussed the topic "MONEY CAN BUY EVERYTHING" We are intend of organizing such activities regularly. (şəkillər)
The teacher of Russian of LSU Zulfiyya Aghayeva hold an interesting scientific seminar on " Enriching and improving of learner's vocabulary" on 09/03/2018 Seminar was dedicated to the ways and means of enriching language learner's vocabulary.The participants were active and interested in topic. (şəkillər)
On 20 February, 2018 the senior teacher of LSU A.Bunyadova held a seminar on the topic “ Formal and Informal English”. She touched the subject from three aspects: linguistic, historical and practical. The topic arouse very interesting discussion and seminar participants gave feedbacks showing their interest on the topic. Mrs. A. Bunyadova gave examples of lexical and grammatical differentiation of formal and informal language. Then she summarized the seminar and thanked everybody for their active participation in discussion. (şəkillər)
A Short Story by Asuda Abdullayeva
ON A Hot Summer Day (ətraflı məlumat)
Next Scientific Seminar by Senior Teacher Rafael Heydarov.
Theme: “Some phraseological units in English and their equivalents in Azerbaijani”
The scientific seminar was held on 16 December, 2017. The workers of the department took part in the work of the seminar. Mr. Rafael Heydarov, who conducted the seminar, gave brief information about the theme, on the base of many examples he explained his thoughts related to phraseological units. The chief of the department Foreign Languages doc.K. Kazimov, prof. I. Tahirov, doc. A.Ismayilova expressed their ideas, opinions and critical remarks on the theme. (şəkillər)
4 noyabr 2017-ci ildə İngilis dili mərkəzində Rzayeva Aynur Mirəli qızının "Predikativ birləşmələr və onların sintaktik funksiyaları" mövzusunda elmi seminarı keçiriləcəkdir.Seminarda kafedra müdiri K.Kazımov, prof. İ.Tahirov, dos.A.İsmayılova və bir neçə baş müəllim öz münasibətini ifadə etmişdir.Qeyd etmək lazımdır ki, dilçiliklə bağlı daha bir neçə belə tədbirin baş tutması nəzərdə tutulmuş ve kafedranın illik planında öz əksini tapmışdır. (şəkillər)
Rzayeva Aynur Mirəli qızının 04.11.2017-ci il tarixində "Predikativ birləşmələr və onların sintaktik təhlili" mövzusunda İngilis dili mərkəzində(otaq №109) elmi seminarı keçiriləcəkdir.Arzu edənlər İştirak edə bilərlər.
Book Donation Activity in LSU.
Start Date: The 2nd of October English Language Center invites you to donate a book what you want. Please share your books with other readers. Be active! You can donate your books in room №109,303. Sincerely, Aynour Rzayevah (ətraflı məlumat) -
Plot summary of English Renaissance Literature may be helpful for students who study in English Phylology. We would recommend to click the link.
Find all the information you need about the organs of the human body all in one place. Review this helpful list when studying for a science test. You will learn about the organ's job or function, as well as some interesting facts!
On 16 May, 2017 The scientific seminar was hold by English teacher Aynur Rzayevah in ELC. The topic of the seminar was "Psycholinguistic features of Teaching Foreign Language For Adults" You can watch seminar text by link below. (ətraflı məlumat)

Students of Lankaran State University take an active part in educational and social life of the university. One of the numerous events held at LSU is the seminar “ How to improve our English”. It was held by a second year student of the faculty of Humanitarian sciences majoring in Foreign Language teaching Qumral Rzayeva. The seminar was held on December 2nd in the English Language Center . The dean, the teachers of the department and the other students took an active part in the discussion and supported it with their ideas. The seminar was held in warm and friendly atmosphere. In the end, the students stated that holding such kind of seminars regularly would help them to improve their language skills. (şəkillər)
"Integrating skills for topic sentence development"

On June 11, 2019 the workshop on "Integrating skills for topic sentence development" was hold by instructor Aynour Rzayevah. All collaborators of the department Foreign Languages attended in the workshop. Teachers improved and practiced their knowledge on Teaching English as a Foreign Language. Activities were based on interactive methods and methodologies. The event was highly appreciated by experienced teachers.
Don't ever doubt yourselves or waste a second of your life. It's too short, and you're too special.          @Ariana Grande