LSU Sustainability

Sustainable Investment Policy of Lankaran State University

The Investment Policy is reviewed annually by the Public Council and any suggested changes require Public Council`s consent. There is a serious need for veterinarians, agronomists, ecologists, good teachers, economists, etc., therefore Lankaran State University makes serious efforts to train professional personnel who can meet those needs. As a result, Lankaran State University is a participant a number of international and regional events, which are aimed at ensuring that education covers climate change.

In the last three years, Lankaran State University has invested significantly in sustainability efforts. The university has successfully digitized its document circulation system, HR management system, Student Information System and Learning Management System. This initiative was implemented to reduce the use of paper, increase transaction speed, increase transparency and improve the overall quality of university processes. The Veterinary clinic invested by Lankaran State University is expected to open in September 2024. This clinic will be the only modern clinic in the southern region. Starting from 2020, both online and live classes are held together with Kafkas, Kars University of Turkey. Also, the teachers of that University come to our University and give experience to our students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Also, our students are exchanged from Lankaran State University to that university for internship. Lankaran State University invests in all of these. Our graduating students can continue working in this clinic, and this clinic will also be active for farmers and private entrepreneurs of the southern region.

This initiative fosters a strong partnership between science and industry by providing comprehensive training to prospective graduates, preparing them for careers in this specialized sector.

Research on ecology involving plants, animals, microorganisms and humans is being conducted and assessment of challenges for environmental monitoring, biodiversity conservation and bioresource is being conducted.

In addition, Lankaran State University develops tea cultivation, plant breeding, and horticulture and tree nursery. Our university has its own river fields and tree plantations, which the University also invests in. By growing tree seedlings, we distribute these tree seedlings to the universities and organizations with which we cooperate and support the greening of the area.

We hold "ecology days" with students about reducing carbon emissions.

At the same time, Lankaran State University has invested in reducing carbon emissions. Thus, in the "Seaside" hotel of the university, in the service apartments built for professors and teachers, in the dormitories for male and female students, and in our other buildings, the use of natural gas is abandoned and electricity is used.

The Public Council entrusted the investment control to Lankaran State University. The Public Council is not responsible for the mentioned issues.

Lənkəran Dövlət Universiteti 2001/2018 | Web design: Əlizadə Məhəmməd