LSU Sustainability

• Research Centre with a specific focus on environmental sustainability

Lankaran State University has created a Research Center, which pays special attention to environmental sustainability, including members of the necessary institutions in the region in order to protect ecology, environment, and natural resources.

Members of the Research Center focusing on environmental sustainability:

1. Rahimov Habib Sabir oglu (senior scientific researcher at Hirkan National Park)

2. Malikov Afiq Ali oglu (Director of the "Environmental Use Regulation and Waste Management Analysis Sector" in Regional Ecology and Natural Resources Department number 1 of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources)

3. Kazimov Yusif Dilsuz oglu (Deputy Director of Kizilagac National Park)

4. Askarov Elshad Israil oglu (senior scientific worker of Kizilagac National Park)

5. Huseynov Bakhtiyar Baloghlan oglu (a specialist of Regional Ecology and Natural Resources Department number 1 of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources)

6. Shammadov Ramiz Zeynulla oglu (Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Lankaran State University)

7. Mammadhuseyn Huseynov Babaly oglu (Head of the "Biology and Ecology" Department of Lankaran State University)

The purpose of the Research Center is the development of green economy in Azerbaijan,protection of ecology, environment, natural resources, renewable energy sources, green energy, creation of green energy types and purposeful using of green energy in our country as well as in Lankaran.

For this purpose, with the organization and participation of the members of the Research Center, on February 20-22, 2024, at Lankaran State University was organized a seminar for IV year full-time and V year part-time students majoring "Ecology". During the seminar, the representatives of the Regional Ecology and Natural Resources Department number 1 presented to the students "State ecological policy - "Year of solidarity for the sake of a green world", the declaration of the liberated lands of our country by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan as a "Green energy" zone and the approval of the action plan for the years 2022-2026, and the development of these territories by 2050 A wide presentation was held on the topic of "Transformation into a net zero emission" zone. At the event attended by 40 people, students were given detailed information on the mentioned topics, and at the end, students' questions were answered.

The purpose of the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" is that the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan has declared the liberated lands of our country a "Green Energy" zone, and the action plan for 2022-2026 has been approved and is defined turning these areas into a "Netto Zero Emission" zone by 2050 as a priority.

Azerbaijan has aimed to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases by 35 percent by 2030, and by 40 percent by 2050, compared to 1990.

The technical potential of our country, which has a high potential for renewable energy sources, is 135 gigawatts on land and 157 gigawatts at sea. The economic potential of renewable energy sources is 27 gigawatts, including 3 thousand megawatts of wind energy (KES), 23 thousand megawatts of solar energy (GES), bioenergy potential of 380 megawatts. The potential of mountain rivers (SES) is estimated at 520 megawatts.

On February 27, 2024, at Lankaran State University for IV year full-time and V year part-time students of the university majoring in "Ecology" with the participation of the representatives of Regional Ecology and Natural Resources Department number 1, the next seminar was organized. During the seminar, representatives of the department gave a wide presentation on "Ecosystem, environment, environmental protection and ecological balance" for students. At the event attended by 25 people, detailed discussions were held with the students on the mentioned topics, as well as they were given additional information about the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Environmental Protection" (June 8, 1999) and "June 5 - World Environment Day". In the end, relevant social media related to the topics were followed. The topics "Ecosystem, environment, environmental protection and ecological balance" were explained in detail.

Ecosystem is a combination of interacting components of the environment: vegetation (flora/forest), animal world (fauna/fish), land cover, water bodies, mineral resources, and air and energy sources. Any ecosystem must constantly receive energy. The main source of energy on Earth is the Sun. Matter and energy cycle in ecological systems. During the cycle of substances, inorganic substances - water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen compounds are captured and used by living things, and after they die, they are returned to the soil.

Environmental protection is the protection and prevention of initial quantitative and qualitative changes in the material assets naturally present in the environment. Normalization of the ecological balance of the environment is the determination of quality indicators of the environment that determine the suitability of the environment for human living and the preservation of biological diversity, the stable use of ecological systems.

Ecological balance refers to the natural balance between humans, plants, and animals, as well as the environment. Thanks to the ecological balance, the survival of all organisms occurs and the stability of the environment is ensured.

Necessary and useful training and events are regularly held under the supervision of the Research Center, which pays special attention to environmental sustainability, on these and other issues. In this regard, scientific theses and articles are prepared and published.

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