LSU Sustainability

The activities of Lankaran State University in the southern region of Azerbaijan led to the formation of a modern public environment by creating conditions for the active participation of scientists, intellectuals and students in the cultural, political and scientific life of the region.

Lankaran State University took its first steps together with the education system during the period of independence of Azerbaijan, and today it has passed a successful 30-year historical path as one of the leading higher education institutions of the republic. Lankaran State University has provided important services in the development of our national culture, science and education. Currently, more than 6,000 students are studying in the 6th faculty of our University, and these students come from all regions of Azerbaijan, as well as from foreign countries. Coexistence and harmony have historically been a way of life in Azerbaijan and became a state policy after the restoration of independence. For this purpose, ethnic, religious and cultural minorities at LSU do not differ from other students, the multicultural environment makes them friendlier. At the undergraduate level of higher education, all students are taught the subject "Introduction to Multiculturalism". Regardless of ethnic, racial, religious, cultural and gender form, students participate in the management of the university, they establish unions like Student youth organization, Student colleagues organization, Student scientific society, etc. They are represented in the Faculty Scientific Council and the University Scientific Council. At the same time, in the "Pedagogy, psychology and art" department, researches are conducted in directions such as gender policy, coexistence, inclusiveness.

Lənkəran Dövlət Universiteti 2001/2018 | Web design: Əlizadə Məhəmməd