LSU Sustainability

Outreach projects for the local community

In order to strengthen relations between Lankaran State University and secondary schools, the Zone Subject Olympiad is held every year in physics, mathematics, informatics, chemistry, biology and geography.

Students of IX, X and XI grades of secondary schools of Bilasuvar, Jalilabad, Masalli, Yardimli, Lankaran, Astara and Lerik regions participate in the Zone Subject Olympiad. Pupils participating in the knowledge competition answer 3 open-type questions in 2 hours and 30 minutes on the subjects of their choice.

An award ceremony is held for the winners of the Olympiad, and they are presented with honorary degrees, diplomas and valuable gifts of Lankaran State University.

It should be noted that the Zone Subject Olympiad is held at Lankaran State University every year. In the past 6 years, about 2100 students have participated in the Zone Subject Olympiad, which is traditionally held every year.

Lənkəran Dövlət Universiteti 2001/2018 | Web design: Əlizadə Məhəmməd