LSU Sustainability

Starting from 2016, the negative situations that occurred at Lankaran State University were regularly prevented. Up to twenty employees were fired. The education system has been completely changed. Colloquium and exams are organized under the supervision of tutors. During the exam, in turn, the members of the public council come to the exams and supervise the live exams. Organization of education, management, colloquiums and exams at the University is organized by the Public Council, which consists of well-known representatives of science and education of the country and the region. Members of that Public Council periodically visit the University. There, they observe the process of organization of education, colloquium (a form of testing and assessing students' knowledge in the education system before exams) and exams and give their suggestions. The composition of the Public Council also includes representatives of students, which serves to protect the rights of students.

This is a strong fight against bribery. Exams and colloquiums are conducted in full transparency.

Thus, students admitted to the University can register on the website from anywhere, regardless of where they are, and those students are registered in the University's student database. As a result of the integration process, students' survey data are uploaded to the University's electronic service network. A personal cabinet is automatically created for each student on the website connected to the domain of the university. At the beginning of the academic semester, the student completes his individual study plan through the tutor who is his academic advisor. Here, each student chooses the subjects in the curriculum according to his specialty according to his wishes. The student has the right to listen to the subject of his choice in the optional specialty group and hour where that subject is taught. Lessons are organized according to the subject syllabuses prepared according to the approved program of each subject.

Students' knowledge is evaluated on a 100-point system. Thus, all academic activities of the student, his educational trajectory are reflected in his personal office and on the university's website. The student's participation in daily classes, changes in the results of intermediate and current assessments are automatically updated every day in his personal office.

A student can earn 50 points out of 100 before the exam and 50 points during the exam. 20 points of the points before the exam are given according to the student's activity in seminars, exercises and laboratory classes, and 30 points are given according to the results of colloquiums. Colloquiums (a form of testing and assessing students' knowledge in the education system before exams) are usually organized twice for each subject. He can get a maximum of 10 points in the first colloquium, and 20 points in the second colloquium. In exams, 5 questions are included in each ticket. Each question is evaluated with a maximum of 10 points. A maximum of 100 points is formed in total.

The student can choose his exam and colloquium times electronically at any time before the exam day and has the opportunity to change the time and time. Students who are unable to participate in the exam and colloquium for any reason can change their time later electronically.

In the university, both colloquium and exams are completely organized by the tutor service. In the university, both colloquium and exams are completely organized by the tutor service. By entering their personal ID numbers students can print colloquium or exam ticket electronically. Students write those questions on separate sheets and present them to the exam controllers.

The questions that the students answered after completing the exam, that is, all the questions on the ticket, were coded separately by the tutors. It is given to subject specialist teachers for verification. In order to ensure the objectivity of the teachers checking the subject, the same writings are checked by several other specialist teachers.

In order to objectively assess students' knowledge, the university conducts a secret survey of students every semester to prevent other situations from occurring. Thus, the student does not record any of his information in the questionnaire. He records his complaints and suggestions in the questionnaire.

In order to investigate complaints that may arise during examination and colloquium verification, an Appeals Commission and an Operational Headquarters, generally chaired by the rector, operate in each academic building of the University. A student who is dissatisfied with his grade for any reason has the right to apply to the relevant Appeals Commission and request that his writing sheets be re-checked by other specialist teachers. At this time, it is ensured that the previous marks written on his writing sheets are not visible. If there is an increase in the grade after other specialist teachers re-check those papers, that grade is taken into account. If there is a reduction in the price, the previous price is kept in force, which is expected student-oriented proccess.

Also, special boxes for complaints and suggestions have been allocated in each educational building of the University. At the same time, students can convey their ideas to the Rector, who is the head of the University, both in physical form and through the e-mail, which is under the direct control of the Rector.

Lənkəran Dövlət Universiteti 2001/2018 | Web design: Əlizadə Məhəmməd