LSU Sustainability

At Lankaran State University the committee to advice and implement diversity, equity, inclusion and human right policies, programs and trainings consists of chairman and members:


Rector of Lankaran State University - Professor Natig Ibrahimov


1. Vice-Rector for Science and Innovations of Lankaran State University - Associate Professor Elvin Aliyev

2. Acting Vice-Rector for Teaching Organization and Training Technologies of Lankaran State University - Associate Professor Zaur Mammadov

3. Vice-Rector for Social Affairs of Lankaran State University - Associate Professor Ramiz Shammadov

4. Lankaran State University vice-rector for Economic affairs - Azer Aliyev

5. Scientific secretary of Lankaran State University - Guliyev Allahshukur

6. Head of the International Language Center of Lankaran State University - Ulviyya Mirzayeva

7. Director of the Finance, Accounting and Assurance Center of Lankaran State University - Rashad Rzazada

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