LSU Sustainability

Members of the Public Council participate in all Scientific councils organized and held by Lankaran State University.

Together with the members of our public council, we regularly discuss the issues implemented in the university and report to the public both educational and financial issues.

Organization of teaching, management, colloquiums and exams at the University is organized by the Public Council, which consists of well-known representatives of science and education of the country and the region. Members of that Public Council periodically visit the University. There, they observe the process of organization of education, colloquium and exams and give their suggestions. The composition of the Public Council also includes representatives of students, which serves to protect the rights of students.

The Investment Policy is reviewed annually by the Public Council and any recommended changes require the approval of the Public Council.

This is a strong fight against bribery.

Lənkəran Dövlət Universiteti 2001/2018 | Web design: Əlizadə Məhəmməd