The Unit of Information and Communication Technologies organizes its activities in the following areas:

1. It carries out regular maintenance of ICT equipment, takes appropriate measures to promptly eliminate problems, restores and updates computer software if necessary, ensures data security and the use of computers in accordance with the rules in order to provide the normal operation of ICT equipment used in management, clerical work and the educational process;

2. It makes available Electronic Educational Network of University, provides connection of all electronic devices used in offices, libraries, laboratories and centers in the administrative and educational buildings to the local network within the university and their access to the Internet.

3. The department carries out setting up electronic databases of students, teaching staff and other employees, automation of economic and financial activities and monitoring of these systems.

4. For the purpose of constant update and improvement of the e-journal project created to further improve the quality and the management of teaching process, it works hard.

5. It provides the constant update of the website of University (domain name: in terms of content and technology.

6. It updates and improves constantly the e-library project (domain name: created for the purpose of electronation of the Library Center of University.

7. This department works with relevant departments and deans' offices in order to provide the activity of informatics-educational laboratories at the University, takes actions to keep computers and other electronic devices used at laboratories in good technical condition and to update constantly their software.

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