LSU Sustainability

The students and professors of Lankaran State University do not lag behind the seminars, educational trainings, national and international scientific conferences on climate science or environmental sustainability.

On December 6, 2023, at the scientific seminar jointly organized by Lankaran State University, Odlar Yurdu University and Dendrology Institute, professors and students of Lankaran State University have participated at the Scientific webinar. Here there was a discussion on the topic of modern ecological situation and problems about South Caspian Sea. Professors and students of Lankaran State University spoke on the subject and discussion of the modern ecological situation and problems of the Lankaran-Astara coasts of the South Caspian Sea.

On November 21, 2023, the "Flamingo" festival was held in the Kyzylagac National Park under the organization of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan. LSU students won the first place in the Flamingo festival. During the festival, the II and IV academic year students of Lankaran State University majoring in Ecology were selected for their activity.

"Ağgol National Park" team, consisting of Lankaran State University students among more than 10 teams, secured the 1st place in all 3 rounds and was awarded with a gift and a certificate of appreciation.

At the festival, stands, information boards reflecting the network of protected areas of Azerbaijan, the impact of climate change on biodiversity and the current state of biological diversity, acquaintance corners related to the nature, flora and fauna of national parks, souvenirs, as well as symbols glorifying the Kyzylagac National Park were displayed.

At the event, ETSN officials, heads of Executive Authorities of Masalli, Neftchala district, Lankaran city bordering the National Park, teachers and students of Baku State University, Lankaran State University, Azerbaijan Tourism University, Azerbaijan Cooperation University, Hirkan, Absheron, Goygol, Samur-Yalama, Representatives of Shirvan National Parks, Zagatala State Nature Reserve, various public organizations, civil society and media representatives participated.

Various trainings were held in Hirkan National Park together with well-known ecologists-scientists of Karlovo University of the Czech Republic and the students and teaching staff of Lankaran State University.

Employees of Kizylagac National Park regularly conduct educational training for requirements at Lankaran State University. At the same time, every year, the students of Lankaran State University with relevant specializations can have their industrial experience both in Hirkan National Park and in Kyzylagac National Park.

On 19.04.2024, in connection with the formation of the project developed by Huseynov Bakhtiyar, consultant inspector of the "Environmental use regulation and environmental education sector" of the Regional Ecology and Natural Resources Department No. 1 of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan, within the framework of the cooperation between the Czech Republic and Azerbaijan, the Friendship Park was opened. Therefore, a tree-planting action was held in Haftoni settlement. In the action, ironwood saplings, a relict plant of the region, were planted. Czech Ambassador to Azerbaijan Milan Sedlaček, head of the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources for Area No. 1 Jeyhun Huseynov, employees of the department, employees of the district executive representative, representatives of the Hirkan National Park, forestry workers, as well as the the students, who is at the IV academic year of Ecology specialty of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of LSU took part in the action. These students, who are in training and experience, actively participated in this action under the leadership of head teacher Galib Amanov.

On April 19, 2024, with the organizational support of the Forest Development Service of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the initiative of the Regional Ecology and Natural Resources Department No. 1, with the joint participation of the employees of the Lankaran City Executive Authority and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Azerbaijan, in the vicinity of Haftoni Forestry No. 15 in the Haftoni settlement of Lankaran district environmental action was held. Regional Forestry Center No. 1, Hirkan National Park, Kyzylagac National Park, as well as the teaching and student staff of Lankaran State University took part in the event. In the event attended by 40 people, 100 ironwood saplings were planted in the "Azerbaijan-Czech Republic Friendship Park" located near the Alat-Astara highway as part of "COP29 and the Year of Solidarity for the Green World".

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