LSU Sustainability

Along with ethnic, religious and national minorities, students with physical disabilities also study at LSU. In the current assessment, colloquiums and exams are organized for students with disabilities according to their health. Lankaran State University became a partner of ESFIDIP (Establishment of a Foundation for the Integration of Disabled People into HEIs of Azerbaijan) TEMPUS grant project. Within this project, Khazar University, University of Lodz (Poland), University of Macedonia (Greece), University of Graz (Austria), Lankaran State University, Ganja State University, Sumgayit State University, Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Nakhchivan State University, Labor and Social Problems Representatives of the Scientific Research and Training Center and the Union of Disabled Organizations jointly cooperated in this field. Within the framework of the project, a "Center for disabled students" was established at LSU. In addition to the center equipped with modern equipment, the University has installed panels, an elevator and other necessary equipment for them in the educational building.

The tuition fees of persons with I and II degrees of disabilities, as well as children under the age of 18, who are studying on a paid basis in public higher education institutions of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as children under the age of 18, are paid from the funds of the state budget, starting from the 2019/2020 academic year.

Students with special needs are adapted to the team, integrated into society, and formed as individuals with equal rights like other students. This increases their self-confidence. Among our students there are Paralympic (swimming and weightlifting) champions.

Lənkəran Dövlət Universiteti 2001/2018 | Web design: Əlizadə Məhəmməd