Vice Rector for Research and Innovation

Aliyev Elvin was born on January 1, 1989 in Vago village of Astara region. After graduated from Pensar village secondary school No. 2 named after Z.Ahmadzada, he admitted to the Kars Caucasus State University of the Republic of Turkey and in 2010 graduated with honors from the specialty of Biology. In the same year he admitted to the Medical Faculty of Ataturk University of the Republic of Turkey and in 2012 he defended his master's thesis entitled "Thyroid Disease" in Medical Biochemistry. In 2015, he defended his doctoral dissertation on "Malignant Human Cancer" in Medical Biochemistry and received PhD degree. For a long time he has worked in the universities and hospitals of the Republic of Turkey and taught theoretical and practical subjects at the Department of Medical Biochemistry of Faculty of Medicine at Ataturk University. He has worked at the "Healthy Family" Medical Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as the head of the Department of Human Genetics of the Institute of Genetics of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Science and as the Scientific Secretary at Lankaran State University. In 2018, he was appointed head of the Science Department of the University. Elvin Aliyev has published a number of scientific and methodological works in the world's leading journals and about 100 references have been given to his works from countries such as America, Italy, Spain, England, Germany and France. Elvin Aliyev conducts research on the doctoral program in the field of cancer. He is the Acting Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation and is an associate professor at the Department of Biology and Medical Knowledge of the University. He is married and has 2 children.

His selected works:

1. Cognitive functions and serum levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in patients with major depressive disorder. Brain Research Bulletin Journal Elsevier. 88(5):454-459. 2012. The United States of America (USA).

2. The Effect of Bilberry on Nitric Oxide and Malondialdehyde Levels in Lung Tissue of Nicotine Applied Rats. Acta Physiologica.215:35-35;Sep.2015. England.

3. Serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor differences between the luteal and follicular phases in premenstrual dysphoric disorder. General Hospital Psychiatry. Elsevier. May–June. 37(3):266-72. 2015. The United States ofAmerica (USA).

4. The Effects of Exercise on Kidney Oxidant and Antioxidant Systems in Rats with Experimental Hyperthyroidism. Acta Physiologica. 215:80-80; Sep.2015. England.

5. Serum Apelin and ADMA Levels in Type 2 Diabetics with and without Vascular Complications. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, Elsevier. April–June; 10 (2 Suppl 1):106-109. 2016. Amsterdam The Netherlands.

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