The department operates in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the decisions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan, guided by orders and instructions of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Lankaran State University (LDU), and the decisions of the Scientific Council of Lankaran State University.

1. To prepare report documents on scientific research activity of LSU;

2. To prepare information about important applied scientific works and their effectiveness;

3. To provide timely reports and necessary information on the results of scientific activities and research works of LSU to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and ANAS;

4. To control the involvement of students in scientific-research works, the dynamics of students' development;

5. To determine the activity of the Student Scientific Society (SSC) of LSU;

6. To provide methodological assistance in planning scientific events and supervise scientific events;

7. To control the organizational issues of conducting scientific events;

8. To promote the scientific-research activity of LSU by means of electronic communication, to create interaction with relevant structural units and relevant organizations;

9. In order to participate in scientific and innovative conferences, seminars, symposia, trainings and other such events, regularly inform LSU employees about these events and give them relevant instructions;

10. To accept articles for the "Scientific News" journal at LSU, reviewing articles and monitoring the publication of the magazine;

11. To organize the preparation to distribution of conference proceedings held at LSU and to publication of scientific collections dedicated to current topics;

12. To support the increase of publication activity of LSU employees in scientific journals indexed in the database as Scopus, Web of Science, etc.;

13. To prepare and implement proposals for increasing the efficiency of innovation activities of LSU.

14. To create a database of promising scientific researches for innovative and commercial purposes;

15.To prepare and implement events aimed at involving students and master’s students of LSU in scientific activity and strengthening the scientific activity of doctoral students and young researchers;

16. To ensure the recognition of the results achieved by the employees and students of LSU in the field of scientific research in the scientific sphere and in the real sector of the economy;

17. To organize and implement the process of training master's and doctoral students in relevant specializations and specialties at LSU;

18.To prepare drafts of orders, instructions and other documents related to the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel;

19. To prepare the Annual Scientific Report of LSU on the carried out scientific research and innovational issues;

In the reporting year, the scientific-research works carring out at the University cover 4 areas, 15 problems, 27 topics and 96 works.

Scientific researches are conducted by employees of 13 departments of Lankaran State University - "Natural Sciences", " Philology and Primary Education", "Economics and Management", " History-Geography and Arts" and "Agrarian and Engineering".

Lənkəran Dövlət Universiteti 2001/2018 | Web design: Əlizadə Məhəmməd