Finance, Accounting, and Assurance Center is a structural division of Lankaran State University and is subordinated to the rector of the university according to the division of administration. The department, which started functioning at the university, was named "Financial Accounting" department according to the "Scientific and Old Resolution of the University dated June 8, 2016" and "Finance" according to the "Decision of the Scientific Council dated December 21, 2023". Accounting and Security Center" is being rebuilt.
The structure of the financial, accounting, and security centers and the number of employees are determined and assigned by the Scientific Council. The center (chief accountant) is the center for the activity of the center. Organizes and manages the activities of the central departments, distributes work among subordinate employees, manages their activities, supervises their supervision of labor and executive discipline, supervises the issues discussed by departments, and submits these proposals to the universities.
Two departments operate within the finance, accounting, and assurance center:
1. Finance and accounting department;
2. Procurement organization and supply department.
I. Finance and accounting department:
The finance and accounting department applies the most up-to-date methods in calculating and paying salaries to faculty and administrative staff and scholarships to students. Accounting is fully automated, ensuring a high level of reliability and accuracy in accounting data. According to the economic mechanisms related to the development of education in the country, including the decree No. 220 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated February 10, 2010 and the decision No. 120 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 25, 2010, the new financing mechanism in higher education institutions in the Republic of Azerbaijan that is effective in the university is being applied. To the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Accounting" and other normative legal acts of the budget-financed departments, enterprises, and organizations in the finance and accounting department, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On Accounting" applies International Financial Reporting Standards as applicable.
II. Procurement organization and supply department:
The procurement organization and supply department ensure the regulation and management of the activities of structural units in this field in order to conduct procurement in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.
It organizes purchases with the funds allocated from the state budget of Lankaran State University and received from various sources in accordance with the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On State Procurement" and other sub-normative acts adopted in this regard; regulates, coordinates, and coordinates the activities of structural units in this field; repairs supervises the implementation of repair and restoration works together with local operation departments; monitors compliance of goods, materials, work, and services with standards; executes signed contracts; and performs other works related to the development of this field.
Rzazade Rashad Idrat was born on June 20, 1988, in Shinaband village, Lerik region. In 1996, he entered the 1st grade of Shinaband village primary school, Lerik district; in 2006, he graduated from Lerik city integrated training boarding-type gymnasium. In 2006, he entered the "Business Organization and Management" specialty of the "Economy and Technology" faculty of Lankaran State University, and graduated from that specialty in 2010 with an honored diploma. In the same year, he entered the university's master's degree program in "Economy and management of production and service areas." He was in active military service in 2010–2011. After completing his military service, he worked as an engineer-economist in the scientific research laboratory "Problems of Mathematical-Economic Analysis and Economic Development" at Lankaran State University, continuing his master's education in absentia. He has worked as a deputy chief accountant since November 15, 2012, chief accountant of the university since September 2, 2013, head of the finance and accounting department (chief accountant) since 2016, "Finance and Accounting" since January 7, 2024, works as the director (chief accountant) of the "and security center." He obtained the "Level II professional accountant certificate on International Standards of Accounting for the Public Sector," "Professional accountant certificate on International Standards of Financial Statements," and "Professional accountant certificate on International Standards of Financial Statements for Small and Medium Business Entities" conducted by the Ministry of Education and Culture. On December 12, 2013, he received a master's degree by defending his dissertation on the topic "Basics of Automation in Accounting and Auditing and Evaluation of Accounting Efficiency." In 2013, he was admitted to the Dissertation Department of Lankaran State University, majoring in Econometrics, and graduated in 2017. Currently, he is working on a dissertation on the topic "Evaluation of the economic efficiency of information security and the security of the establishment of accounting and audit work in the educational system in an automated mode" in order to receive the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Also, since 2013, he has worked as a part time teacher at the "Economy and Management" department at the university, and since September 16, 2019, he has been working as a part time senior teacher at the "Economy and Innovative Management" department.
III. Finance and accounting department:
Najafly Elvin Huseynaga was born on November 19, 1991, in Lankaran. In 1998, he entered "Teymur Bey Bayramalibeyov Secondary School No. 2." In 2009, he graduated from the Lankaran city "Foreign Languages Oriented Boarding Gymnasium" and, in the same year, he entered the "Business Organization and Management" specialty of the "Economics and Management" faculty of the Lankaran State University. After graduating from Lankaran State University in 2013, he was called up for military service and completed his active military service in 2014. On July 11, 2016, he started working as an economist at the "Finance and Accounting Department" of Lankaran State University; on September 5, 2017, he became a senior economist; and on May 18, 2020, he became the deputy head of the "Finance and Accounting Department". Since January 7, 2024, he has been working as the head of the "Finance and Accounting Department." In 2018, he was admitted to the specialization "Tourism and socio-cultural service" at Lankaran State University, and in 2020 he graduated with a master's degree.
Hasanzade Shahriyar Bakhtiyar was born on February 28, 1995, in Shuryuk village, Lankaran region. In 2001, he entered the 1st grade of Lankaran district Shuryuk village secondary school, and in 2012, he graduated from Shuryuk village secondary school. In 2012, he entered the "Accounting and Audit" specialty of the "Economy and Management" faculty of Lankaran State University, and in 2016, he graduated with a bachelor's degree in that specialty. He was called up for military service in 2018 and completed his active military service in 2019. In 2019, he participated in trainings on accounting and the 1C program and received a diploma in this field. On September 28, 2020, he voluntarily went to the Second Karabakh War. He heroically participated in the battles for Fuzuli, Khojavand, and Shusha. Since June 16, 2020, he has been working as an "accountant" in the "Finance and Accounting" department of Lankaran State University.
Huseynzade Mehdi Elchin was born on June 12, 1997, in Lankaran. In 2003, he entered Lankaran city "Boarding Gymnasium School with Foreign Languages" and graduated from that high school in 2014. In 2014, he was admitted to the "Economics" specialty of the Faculty of Economics and Management at Lankaran State University. After graduating from the university in 2018 and with a bachelor's degree, he was called up for military service and completed active military service in 2019. On February 16, 2020, he was awarded the BB2 certificate for showing high results in the Civil Service exam organized by the State Examination Center. Since August 4, 2020, he has been working as an "accountant" in the "Finance and Accounting" department of Lankaran State University.
Hajizade Ilkana Nasib was born on September 26, 1999, in Astara district. In 2005, She entered the "Foreign Language-Oriented Boarding-Type Gymnasium School." In 2016, she graduated from Lankaran City "Foreign Languages Oriented Boarding High School." In the same year, she entered the "Economics"department of the "Economics and Management" faculty of Lankaran State University, and in 2020, she graduated with a bachelor's degree. During her student years, she participated in scientific conferences related to scientific activity and was awarded a certificate. She is the author of five scientific theses. At the same time, she participated in "1C and Basics of Accounting" training and received a diploma in this field. In 2021, she was admitted to the specialization "Tourism and socio-cultural service" at the Faculty of Economics and Management of Lankaran State University, and in 2023, she defended her thesis on that specialization and got the title of master. Since September 1, 2020, she has been working as an "accountant" in the "Finance and Accounting Department" of Lankaran State University. From September 15, 2023, she works part time teacher at the "Department of Economics and Innovative Management" of the university.
Azizzade Aziz Sanan was born on February 20, 1995, in Havzava village in Lankaran district. In 2001, he entered Havzava village A. Aliyev secondary school, and in 2012, he graduated from Tea Factory Settlement H. Huseynov secondary school. In 2013, he entered the "Accounting and Audit" specialty of the "Economics and Management" faculty of Lankaran State University and graduated in 2017 with that specialty. In 2018, he was admitted to the specialization "Accounting and Audit in the Service Sphere" at Lankaran State University. In 2020, he completed his studies in that specialization and got the title of master. He successfully participated in the "Professional accounting and tax specialist training" and "English language" programs under the "Professional accounting and tax specialist training" program in the framework of the "Social action for sustainability" project by the Azerbaijan representative office of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) with the financial support of the American Development Agency (USAID). At the end of the training, he was awarded the certificate of the "Chamber of Auditors of the Republic of Azerbaijan" and the "General English" certificate. He is the author of two theses related to the field of specialization. Since September 14, 2020, he has been working as an "economist" in the "Finance and Accounting Department" of Lankaran State University and as an "Accountant" since September 2023.
Najafova Fatima Mahammad was born on August 12, 1992, in Erchivan village, Astara region. In 1998, she entered secondary school No. 3, named after N. Karimov, in Archivan village, Astara region, and graduated from that school in 2009. In 2012, she was admitted to the "Accounting and Audit" specialty of the "Economy and Management" faculty of Lankaran State University, and in 2016, she graduated with a bachelor's degree. In 2022, she was admitted to the specialization "Accounting and Audit in the Production Sphere" of the "Economics and Management" Faculty of Lankaran State University. She has been working as an "Accountant" in the "Finance and Accounting Department" since October 1, 2022.
7.Accountant (on TMIS)
Farziyeva Khanum Ali
Farziyeva Khanum Ali was born on November 23, 1995, in the village of Sutamurdov, Lankaran region. In 2002, she entered Lankaran City Secondary School No. 1 and graduated from that secondary school in 2013. In 2013, she was admitted to the "Economics" specialty of the Faculty of Economics and Management at Lankaran State University. In 2017, she graduated from the university and got the title of bachelor. On February 12, 2023, she scored 83 points in the Civil Service exam organized by the State Examination Center and was awarded the BB1 certificate. Since May 17, 2023, she has been working as an "Accountant (on TIMS)" in the "Finance and Accounting" department of Lankaran State University.
8. Economist
Taghizade Guler Faig
Taghizade Guler Faig was born on August 27, 1998, in Astara. In 2005, she entered secondary school No. 1, named after M.A. Sabir, in Astara City, and graduated from that secondary school in 2016. In 2017, she was admitted to the "Economics" specialty at the full-time department of the Faculty of Economics and Management of Lankaran State University. In 2021, she graduated with a bachelor's degree. Since May 17, 2023, she has been working as an "economist" in the "Finance and Accounting" department of Lankaran State University.
9. Accountant
Isazade Kenan Vasif
Isazade Kanan Vasif was born on August 11, 2002, in the city of Lankaran. In 2008, he entered Lankaran City Secondary School No. 10 and graduated from that school in 2019. In 2019, he was admitted to the "Accounting and Audit" specialty of the "Economics and Management" Faculty of Lankaran State University (LSU). He was awarded a 1st degree certificate for completing his voluntary work at the Lankaran State Agrarian Development Center of the Ministry of Agriculture from April 1, 2019 to July 1, 2019. In 2023, he received a bachelor's degree as a graduate of LSU, majoring in "Accounting and Auditing." In the same year, he entered the master's degree program in "Financial Management". At the Scientific-Practical Conference "Heydar Aliyev's National Economic Development Model is the Basis of Economic Independence of Azerbaijan," held at Lankaran State University on November 24, 2023, he delivered a speech on the thesis "Goals and tasks of financial policy in Azerbaijan in modern economic conditions." He is working on a dissertation on the topic "The role of financial policy in the development of financial services in Azerbaijan." Since October 10, 2023, he has been working as an "accountant" in the "Finance and Accounting Department" of Lankaran State University.
II. Procurement and supply department:
1. Leading expert on procurement
Ismailli Tural Maharram
Ismayilli Tural Maharram was born on September 4, 1999, in Avrora settlement, Lankaran district. In 2005, he entered Hikran Settlement Secondary School; in 2016, he graduated from Hirkan Settlement Secondary School; and in the same year, he entered the "Accounting and Auditing" specialty of Lankaran State University's "Economy and Management" faculty. After graduating with a bachelor's degree in 2020, he was called up for military service and completed his actual military service in 2021. During his student years, he participated in a number of experiments related to scientific activity. He participated in "Financial Literacy" and "Fundamentals of Accounting" training and received a diploma in this field. Since September 21, 2021, he has worked as an economist in the "Finance and Accounting" department of Lankaran State University and as a procurement specialist since September 1, 2022. Since January 7, 2024, he has been working as a leading specialist in procurement. Also, from September 15, 2023, he will be a part time teacher of the "Economy subjects" of the Social and Agrarian-Technological College of Lankaran State University.
2. Təchizat üzrə mütəxəssis
Supply specialist
Nasirli Zenfira Mammad was born in Sumgait in 1962, graduated from Sumgait city secondary school No. 25 in 1980, and entered the Faculty of Energy of the Azerbaijan Oil and Chemical Institute named after M. Azizbeyov in the same year. Since 1983, she has been an engineer at the Sumgayit branch of the Azerbaijan Utility Project Institute, since 1986 at the Lankaran branch, from 2005 to 2012, a technical safety engineer at Lankaran State University, from 2012 to June 2016, a supply engineer, and has been working as a supply specialist since July 2016.
Certified financial compliance
The results of financial activities (2023)