The center for teaching organization and training technologies

The main object of the activity of center is to implement the organization of educational-methodical work, the improvement of the quality of specialist training, the creation and development of curricula and programs, the application of credit system and modern training technologies in teaching, the methodical support of educational process, graduates affairs and the organization of students’ practices. The center performs the organization of the teaching process in accordance with the “Rules for the organization of education on the basis of credit system in higher education institutions” approved by the decision No. 348 dated December 24, 2013 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The coordination of educational process and teaching-methodical work of the teaching staff of the university, the distribution and implementation of academic loads by departments is controlled in accordance with the state educational standards. The arrangement of the perspective and current planning of the educational process and its control is carried out together with the faculties, departments and other structural sections of the university. The center supervises the effective preparation of all educational documents on the bases established by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the organization of education in the credit system. It monitors the arrangement of lesson schedules for the semester and the progress of classes on a daily basis, the preparation and approval of documents and sample forms for the Final State Attestation.

It sends the extracts from orders on exclusion, reinstatement and academic leave of students related to their military service and other information to the department of issues on special documents; responds to inquiries of the department and solves other relevant issues. It provides each student’s participation in the preparation of individual curriculum.

The center organizes the analysis and monitoring of the implementation of accreditation indicators of methodological issues for all levels and forms of education. It participates in the preparation of regulations, methodological recommendations and other normative documents that organize and regulate the educational process at the University and supervises the provision of departments with textbooks, teaching aids and programs on subjects.

The center controls the implementation and organization of educational and methodological work related to the use of new learning technologies and the credit system in the educational process.

The structure of the center includes the unit of “The organization of teaching process and additional education”, the unit of “Registration, assessment and monitoring” and the unit of “Internship, potential development and career”. The center is headed by assoc. prof., PhD in Mathematics Asgarov Idrak Mirzababa.

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