The Faculty of History, Geography and Art

Faculty of History, Geography and Art was created based on the Humanitarian Faculty by the order No. 4/39 dated July 3, 2020 of LSU. There are three departments at the faculty: "History and methods of its teaching ", "Geography and methods of its teaching" and "Disciplines of Pedagogy, psychology and art".

Bachelors study on specialties “History teaching”, “Geography teaching”, “History and geography teaching”, “Fine arts teaching”, “Music teaching” and “Museology, archival work and protection of monuments”.

Masters study on specialties “Methodology and methodology of history teaching”, “Methodology and methodology of geography teaching, Assessment, and monitoring in education.

In doctoral studies the following specialties “History of motherland” and “Social pedagogy”.

Departments at the faculty:

1. History and methods of its teaching

2. Geography and methods of its teaching

3. Disciplines of pedagogy, psychology and art

The faculty offers the following specialties:

Bachelor’s degree:

1. History teaching

2. Geography teaching

3. History and geography teaching

4. Fine arts teaching

5. Music teaching

6. Museology, archival work and protection of monuments

Master's degree:

1. Methods and methodology of history teaching

2. Methods and methodology of geography teaching

3. Assessment and monitoring in education


History of motherland

Social pedagogy

Bayramov Mushfig Jabir

Deputy Dean for Educational Affairs, Doctor of Philosophy in History, Senior Lecturer Bayramov Mushfig Jabir was born on December 10, 1976 in the village of Vilvan of Lankaran. In 2004, he graduated from Baku State University with a bachelor's degree from the Faculty of History, and in 2006 with a master's degree on specialty “Archeology and Ethnography”.

In May 2015, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the theme "Medieval rural places of living of Azerbaijan (early IX-XIII centuries)" at the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and received a Ph.D in history.

He worked as a tutor, scientific secretary, lecturer, senior lecturer, chairperson of the Trade Union Committee at Lankaran State University.

From April 09, 2018, he worked as Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities.

Since 2020, he is Deputy Dean for Educational Affairs of the Faculty of History, Geography and Art

He is the author of more than 25 scientific articles, 14 theses and 4 programs, 1 textbook.

Fakültənin əməkdaşları : Sevdimova Malahat Mirish

Sevdimova Malahat Mirish was born in 1980 in the city of Lankaran. In 1998, she graduated from Lankaran City Secondary School №1, in 2004 from Lankaran State University with a bachelor's degree in “History and Society Studies”, and in 2007, she graduated with honors a master's degree in “History of Azerbaijan in Modern and Contemporary Times”.

She is the author of scientific articles and abstracts in his specialty.

Since 2001, she has worked in various positions at the Lankaran State University.

Since 2017, she has been Head of the Master's and Doctorate section of the University's Department of Science.

Since 2019, she appointed as a teacher of the department "History and methods of its teaching".

She also worked as Head of the department for organizing training and additional education at the Center for organizing training and teaching technology.

Currently, she is Deputy Dean for Social affairs and Work with students of the Faculty of History, Geography and Art.

Gurbanzade Arzu Rakhim

Gurbanzade Arzu Rakhim was born in the city of Lankaran.

In 2003-2015, she received her secondary education at the Lankaran City Secondary School № 2.

In 2015, she entered Lankaran State University with a degree in “Teaching Foreign Languages (English)” and graduated in 2020.

Since March 2021, she is an operator-clerk at the Faculty of History, Geography and Arts of Lankaran State University.

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