At Lankaran State University, the following isssues related to the graduate contingent are carried out:

1. Making a decision by the scientific council about the dissertation topic and supervisor of newly admitted graduate students based on the presentation of the relevant department;

2. Issuance of an appropriate order at the rectorate about the subject of the dissertation and its supervisor;

3. Issuance of an appropriate order at the rectorate about the official reviewers for the defense of the master's thesis based on the presentation of the master's students by the relevant department;

4. Issuance of an appropriate order at the rectorate to release the master's thesis for defense based on the submissions of the relevant faculties;

5. To prepare the protocols of the Specialized councils for the defense of the Master's thesis and to organize their timely handing over documentation.

Master's degree training has been carried out at Lankaran State University since 1997.

060105 Mathematics teaching

Methods and methodology of teaching mathematics

060113 Computer Science teaching

Method and methodology of teaching informatics

060109 Biology teaching

Method and methodology of teaching biology

060110 Teaching Chemistry

Method and methodology of teaching chemistry

060112 Geography teaching

Method and methodology of teaching geography

060510 Ecology

Methods of environmental protection and restoration

060111 History teaching

Method and methodology of teaching history

060101 Teaching Azerbaijani language and literature

Method and methodology of teaching Azerbaijani language and literature

060201 Philology

Linguistics (in English)

060119 Pedagogy

Assessment and monitoring in education

060115 Elementary teaching

Method and methodology of teaching in primary class

060117 Preschool training and education

Method and methodology of preschool training and education

06103 Foreign language teaching (in languages)

Methods and methodology of teaching English

060402 Accounting and auditing

Accounting and auditing in the production sphere

060403 Finance

Financial management

060404 Economics

Economic regulation

060803 Tourism and hotel management

Tourism and socio-cultural service

060409 Business management

Business Administration and Management

Business organization and management (agribusiness)

060402 Food engineering

Technology of storage and processing of fruit and vegetable products

Food safety

060631-Computer engineering

Computer engineering

060701-Soil science and agrochemistry



Fruit growing

060704 Veterinary

Veterinary-sanitary expertise

060708 Forestry

Forest structure

060649 Environmental engineering

Melioration, recultivation and soil protection

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