Vice-rector for teaching organization and training technologies

Idrak Asgarov was born on March 22, 1985 in Garmatuk village of Lankaran region. He graduated from Garmatuk village secondary school in 2002. In 2006 he graduated from Baku State University in "Mathematics". He admitted to the master’s degree in the specialty of Algebra and Topology of Baku State University. After successfully completed his master's degree in 2009, he worked as a junior researcher at the "Image Recognition and Information Processing" Department of the Research Institute of Applied Mathematics of Baku State University. In the same year, he worked as a part-time lecturer at the Department of Algebra and Geometry of Baku State University. In 2011-2013 he was a doctoral student of ANAS Institute of Cybernetics named after academician A.I. Huseynov. In 2013, he defended his dissertation on "Asymptotic solutions of optimal control problems in the gas-lift process" in the specialty "Systematic analysis, management and information processing" at the FD.02.017 Dissertation Council of Baku State University and received PhD degree in Mathematics. In 2014, he was elected a member of the Council of Young Scientists of Baku State University. In 2014, he started working as a deputy dean of the Faculty of “Natural Sciences” and a senior lecturer at the "Physics, Mathematics and Informatics" department of Lankaran State University. In 2014, he was appointed head of the Training department of LSU. In 2016, according to the order of LSU, he was appointed to the position of part-time associate professor of "Mathematics and Informatics” department. On the occasion of the International Teacher's Day, by the order No. 174 dated October 5, 2016 of the Head of the Executive Power of Lankaran city, he was awarded the Honorary Decree for his effective activity in the development of education. He is married and has two children.

Selected works:

1. Aliev F.A., Mutallimov M.M., Askerov I.M., Ragimov I.S. Asymptotic Method of Solution for a Problem of Construction of Optimal Gas-Lift Process Modes. // Hindawi Publishing Corporation Mathematical Problems in Engineering Volume 2010, Article ID 191053, 10 pages doi:10.1155/2010/191053.

2. Mutallimov M.M., Askerov I.M., Ismailov N.A., Rajabov M.F. An Asymptotical Method to Construction a Digital Optimal Regime for the Gas-Lift Process. // Appl. Comput. Math., V.9, N.1, 2010, p. 77-84.

3. Askerov I.M., Ismailov N.A. Asymptotic method for solution of the optimization problem with periodic boundary conditions and control in gas-lift process. // TWMS J. Pure and Appl. Math., V.4., N2, 2013, pp. 237-241.

4. Aliev F.A., Mutallimov M.M., Askerov I.M. An asymptotic method for solving the problem of constructing optimal regimes for a gas-lift process. // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, No. 1, 2010, pp. 26-33.

5. Mutallimov M.M., Askerov I.M., Ismailov N.A., Using an asymptotic method to create an optimal controller in gas-lift wells, Izvestiya Nauk Azeri Nauk, Vol. XXXI, 2011, No. 6, p. 14-19.

6. Mutallimov M.M., Askerov I.M. An asymptotic method for solving the optimal control problem for gas-lift operation of oil wells. / Academician F.Q. Abstracts of the International Conference "Spectral Theory and Its Applications", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Magsudov, Baku, 2010, p. 280–282

7. Askerov I.M., Ismailov N.A. An asymptotic method to the construction of the optimal regulator in gaslift wells./ The 4th Congress of the Turkic World Mathematical Society (TWMS) Baku, 2011, p.367


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